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If you are a graduate student in the UCB Anthropology Department (this includes Archaeology, Sociocultural Anthropology, Biological Anthropology, Folklore, and students in the UCB-UCSF Joint Medical Anthropology program), we welcome you to join KAS.
As a member of the KAS editorial board, you will have the opportunity to work with professors and other graduate students to solicit, review, and edit articles for the KAS journal as well as organize roundtable talks and conferences. KAS is entirely student run and we publish twice a year.
Over the last 50 years, KAS has evolved into a semi-annual volume with an international readership. We publish articles in the general field of anthropology (and all its subdisciplines) which are of theoretical, descriptive, or practical interest, and, though we welcome all submissions, we remain particularly committed to publishing the work of students and junior scholars.
Editorial Board:
Drew Halley
Kamala Russell
Kristin Sangren
Alexis Taylor
Ryan Whitacre
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